
Picture shows bar pictogram
On these pages you will find facts, figures and data about our police work. In particular, we publish the annual statistics on the development of crime and traffic accidents in the district of Lippe here.
You will also find monthly evaluations of selected criminal offenses.
Am 12. März 2025 stellten Direktionsleiter der Direktion Kriminalität, Kriminaloberrat Peter Hentschel, und Abteilungsleiter der Polizei Lippe, Polizeidirektor Alexander Fenske, die Kriminalstatistik für das Jahr 2024 vor. Lippe ist die drittsicherste Region in NRW und mit Abstand der sicherste Kr...
Traffic accident
On 18 March 2024, the head of the authorities, Dr. Axel Lehmann, presented the traffic accident figures for 2023 together with the head of the police department, Police Director Alexander Fenske, and the head of the Traffic Directorate, Police Senior Councillor Peter Pauls.
in focus
Here you will find monthly updates on developments in selected crime areas.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110