Job advertisement

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Job advertisement
Here you will find information on current vacancies at the Lippe Police Department

On these pages we inform you about vacancies at the Lippe Police Department.

Are you looking for a vacant position with the Lippe police? Or would you like general information about the possibilities of becoming a police officer or working for the North Rhine-Westphalia state administration?


Vacancies at the KPB Lippe

There is currently one vacancy.

In the case of vacancies, you can find out in the job advertisements on the right-hand side of this page (at the bottom of the page on mobile devices), for example, what tasks the positions involve, what requirements you need to meet and where you can send your detailed application. There is also information on data protection for job advertisements.

Please enclose your application: Personnel form &, in the case of state employees, a declaration of consent to view the personnel file, if applicable.

Application as a police officer

If you are interested in applying for a job as a police officer with the North Rhine-Westphalia police force, you can find initial information about the police profession at Exactly my case.

Within the Lippe district police authority, our recruitment consultant and recruitment advisor Police Superintendent Sina Köhne will be happy to advise you.

Internship with the Lippe police

Are you interested in the police profession? Then an internship with us is a good way to take a closer look at what it's like to be a police officer.

For more information, please contact our recruitment officer and recruitment consultant Police Superintendent Sina Köhne.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110