Logos Social media platforms Insta, X, Facebook, YouTube
Social media netiquette of the Lippe police
Our netiquette rules for fair and, above all, objective communication on our social media sites

Dear Facebook, Instagram and X fans,

Welcome to our social media pages!

We look forward to an exciting exchange with you and hope for fair and, above all, objective communication. The internet is not a legal vacuum and the usual social rules of politeness should also be observed. Therefore, please observe our social media netiquette.


First of all: Please always dial 110 for emergency calls!

The social media pages are not maintained around the clock, but you can get help immediately by calling the emergency number.

You cannot report a crime on our social media pages. Please contact one of our police stations or use the option of reporting online.
Please do not post any witness tips, personal and/or relevant information as comments on our social media pages. In our appeals for witnesses and searches, we will always give you the name and telephone number of the relevant department to contact if you have any information.

Social networks are always a platform for discussion. And that's a good thing! However, we ask you to adhere to our netiquette rules when discussing. We are happy when you comment on our posts. Is there cause for criticism? No problem! Please let us know in an objective and constructive manner. However, please always remember in discussions that there is also a person on the other side. Let's treat each other fairly and respectfully.

Netiquette rules

  • We never tolerate racism, discrimination, glorification of violence, pornography, sexism, xenophobia, insults, slander, defamation, copyright infringements, the deliberate spread of fake news and the like - whether in comments, profile or cover pictures, in usernames or profile descriptions.
  • We also allow comments if they contain factual criticism or if we do not share their views. However, please always remain fair and respectful to all other participants in discussions.
  • Comments that violate our basic rules will be deleted and reported immediately. We will then check whether users will be excluded from our social media offering in future.
  • If comments are criminally relevant, this may result in criminal prosecution! To this end, these comments will be forwarded to the relevant department for further investigation.
  • In the event of minor violations, we will contact the writers and point this out so that comments can be adjusted. If this does not happen, we hide comments so that they can only be seen by the authors themselves and their friends - but not by the public. As a rule, users are not informed of this.
  • We do not tolerate any misuse of our social media channels as an advertising or sales platform.
  • Any comment that contains a link or reference to another page will be deleted. This is to prevent malware from being spread via social media bots, for example. It also prevents copyright infringements.
  • As all comments and posts are public, please do not post any telephone numbers, contact addresses or other private details about yourself or third parties. These will also be deleted by us.
  • Out of respect for everyone, we consistently use the first name and "gender" when addressing users.
  • Please do not allow yourself to be provoked by "troublemakers" who are deliberately looking for a fight. It is best to simply ignore them. If necessary, we will intervene to mediate.

Your Lippe Police social media team

RBe Dr. Laura Merks
RBe Nina Ehm 
POK Yannick Thelaner

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110