Crime in Lippe
Here you will find the latest information from the Lippe police crime department
Core tasks include fighting crime, crime prevention and victim protection in the district of Lippe.
At the Detmold location, all five criminal investigation departments (KK) are located, KK 1 - 4 and the KK for crime prevention and victim protection.
KKK 5 is located in Bad Salzuflen and KK 6 in Lemgo.
All criminal investigation officers are specially trained for their respective areas of work and will provide you with expert assistance regardless of their area of responsibility.
We stand for professionalism and proximity to citizens.
You can rely on us.
Handlungsempfehlungen für Eltern und Hinweise zu privaten Warnungen auf Social Media
Taschendiebstahl ist leider eine ständige Bedrohung, die alle betrifft. Und: Diebstahl kennt keine Saison. Auch bei strahlendem Sommerwetter sind wir nicht vor Taschendiebstahl gefeit, denn wie das Sprichwort sagt: "Gelegenheit macht Diebe".
Sexual abuse online via social networks, online games and messenger services
Zum "Tag des Einbruchschutzes" informiert die Polizei Lippe zum Thema Einbruchschutz.
We explain the latest cybercrime scams and reveal how you can protect yourself against them online.
NEW: Investment fraud via social media and "deep fakes"
Fraudsters are constantly trying to get their hands on your money with various scams. How to protect yourself!
Am 12. März 2025 stellten Direktionsleiter der Direktion Kriminalität, Kriminaloberrat Peter Hentschel, und Abteilungsleiter der Polizei Lippe, Polizeidirektor Alexander Fenske, die Kriminalstatistik für das Jahr 2024 vor.
Lippe ist die drittsicherste Region in NRW und mit Abstand der sicherste Kr...
Here you will find monthly updates on developments in selected crime areas.
The current burglary situation in the district of Lippe
The Criminal Investigation Department Prevention and Victim Protection has numerous tasks, which are presented in detail on this page. You will also find prevention information from the Lippe police here.
The victim protection officers help victims of criminal offenses as well as victims of traffic accidents and other harmful incidents.
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